Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (Definition of Treason)

Whoever knowingly and willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teacher the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of moving to install a foreign ideology whose theory or desires that contradicts the Founder’s created Constitution, which will or can destroy the Constitution of the United States of America are punishable for Treason as set out in the original Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Open Letter to Linchpins of Liberty

The captioned ‘The Linchpin of Save Liberty’ is surely not another ‘issue’ that will save America?!?  Regardless of what it may address, issues don’t save, even if they are beneficial.  One cannot kill a vulture with a fly swatter.  Or, one cannot concentrate on one tree to stop an insidious hoard of poisonous growths that has inundated an entire forest.  Yet, that is what Patriotic Americans are trying to do — and have done for 60 years.  America’s history of the conservatives trying to stop America’s foreign ideology in our midst by their separate issue, ‘a tree’, has only gotten America a cabal of Communists dictating the rule of man.  All this going on while they continue to chip away at America’s foundation, Her Constitution.  America’s enemy in her midst must laugh at those efforts, as they end run every issue thrown at them. LET’S GET SERIOUS!!!

Americanism is under attack from within by an insidious enemy of a foreign ideology who destroys America’s foundation, and we, the people, lose our freedoms, rights, private property, and Rule of Law.  Not even the conservatives realize what all is happening to their America, nor understand it’s deterioration.  The Heritage Foundation has been very helpful and effective in killing some of the Socialist’s proposals before they become ‘stuck in cement’ laws.  They have certainly bought us Patriotic Americans more time to undo the enemy.  We must take the fight to our enemy.  We must work to undo all the damage that has been done to our country.

This writer is a very patriotic vet of America’s greatest war to save Liberty.  In 1970, I discovered that America was being socialized through Her public education system.  Curiosity sent me on a quest to find out how it was done.  Thirty years later, I knew more about the unknown and untold political history of Americans 20th Century than did many that should have known.  In 2003, The Constitutional Foundation came to be, and in 2004, we moved to inform America they were being socialized.  In four years, the Wall Street Journal began publishing articles on Socialism in America.  Knowing what went wrong with America was also the key to the solution.  From the research comes the realization that America’s political situation is not political, but a war by the Patriotic Americans against those who push the foreign ideology of the United Nation’s socialism for a global government vs America’s Constitution.


When the Solution becomes common knowledge, as did the socialization of America, the next battle of America’s political war for Liberty, the enemy in our midst will be on the defensive.  That is the beginning of getting the enemy out of the way.  The buzz of the ground swell from Patriotic Americans forty or fifty million strong starts the restoration of Liberty’s granite foundation on the way to enact the solution.

The enactment of the solution into law is a MUST!  Otherwise, sooner or later, the enemy will be back to try again. Only America stands in the enemy’s way for a socialized, one-world government under the dictates of the United Nations.  Let’s get moving, time is of the essence.

Toby Elster


National Uniformed Services Journal

‘Coast Guard Releases New Arctic Strategy’ (USJ July/August 2013). CG Commandant ADM Robert J. Papp Jr. deserves acclaim for what his command accomplishes in the Arctic, also an important oil and gas producing area that needs the attention planned for the Arctic Strategy.  But urging the U.S. Senate to approve ‘U.S. accede to the Law of the Sea Treaty’ would not be in America’s interest.  In fact, it would be detrimental to the USA.

The Law of the Sea Treaty is a United Nations concoction to further it’s one-world government plans.  If the other nations that have approved this only claimed continental shelf of 200 miles instead of the recognized 12 miles.  Should the U.N. get it’s one-world government, all that would be for naught.  The U.N. would claim all that the seas would yield to be distributed to all nations — the Socialists ‘share the wealth’.  The Admiral stated, ‘The United States should accede to the Law of the Sea Convention without delay to protect our national security interests: sovereignty, environment, economy, and energy.’  Admiral, if America did, the opposite would occur.  The U.N. would be the ‘overseer’ of all that the seas would yield, regardless of who mined them, and America’s sovereignty would take a direct mortal hit!  A socialized one-world government is the U.N.’s objective — and already their European Union isn’t working!

Toby Elster

Open Letter to the Heritage Foundation

In front of the Constitutional Foundation is a Patrick O’Connor Wall Street Journal item, ‘Think Tank Becomes a Handful for GOP’ as well as the Heritage Foundation’s Summer 2013 Members News and Jim DeMint’s American Perceptions Initiative.  I wish you both good luck and much success, but I have a question.  America has a political enemy in our midst, anti-American Constitution-destroyers who are bound and determined to pull America in the opposite directions of these great groups.  Does the Heritage understand this enemy, their influence, power and wealth?

The founder of TCF spent over 40 years, beginning in 1970, discovering America was being socialized through her public education system; who, how, and why it was happening.  Then digging into their minds to find their weakness.  To fix what is not working, one must know what is wrong.  When the research bore fruit, TCF had a solution to get those out of the way who divide America to destroy Americanism for a global government by America’s Socialists.  Does TCF know that it’s efforts are on the right track, taking on America’s cancer as a forrest, looking past the trees (single issues) as necessary to get the enemy out of the way first, if success is to be attained?  We were told we couldn’t succeed, but have found much success as we spread the word of this attack on Americanism.

There are very few publications and organizations that are taking on the forrest (the overall attack on Americanism).  Most focus on their trees (single issues), and are met with little if any success.  Our enemy is powerful, and working hard to undermine our country.  They must be met head on, or they will succeed! Join with us, and let’s stop this attack, and work to amend the Constitution!

Toby Elster


Re: American Free Press ‘Americans Resemble Serfs…’ July 29, 2013

The solution to the problem facing America today is rid her of the enemy within her midst.  The solution of amending the Constitution comes from finding the answers of why America has gone down this path.

In determining the why of the conservatives 60 years of miserable results to stop the socialization of America, which got Communists running this Administration and dictating unconstitutional beliefs as laws, it is easy to notice that the focus on single issues ‘trees’ has left the Socialists to attack the entire structure, culture, mores, patriotism, etc., of our country’s fabric.  We have left the ‘forrest’, and left it to the enemy.  Our enemy in our midst has systematically taken on each issue, as they moved as a whole, against conservative groups.  This is the basis for our solution, to depower the enemy and move them out of the way.  Once the solution to amend the Constitution’s definition of treason becomes common knowledge, the enemy will have to go on the defensive.  Their power will gradually be diminished, and the Patriotic groundswell will grow.  This is a must or the enemy will be back, sooner or later.

The Constitutional Foundation needs a lot of help in making the solution common knowledge.  Join with us in spreading the message!

Toby Elster

Open Letter to Charles Koch (Charles Koch Foundation Ad Campaign)

Roy Wenzl’s Wichita Eagle article on your ad campaign prompts this reply.  I’ve seen an ad and the comments I’ve heard said they were positive and informative.  This in an introduction, I’m sure, for more to come!?!  I’m one who supports the Koch’s and agree with you, which goes back to the days of your father, both economically and politically.  But I do believe you have underestimated what America is today, which is what has brought on the negativism you have been met with.

This reply is based on that negativism which stands in the way of the America of her first 200 years; the ‘Economic Freedom’ of your ad campaign.  That knowledge comes out of spending 40 years figuring out how America got in to the anti-American Socialists’ mentality that led to America being governed by a Communist and his cabal of like minds.  When one understands the minds of America’s Constitution-destroyers in our midst, one gets an intense education about humanity.  After all, these Socialists and Communists must understand humanity to be able to outwit people as they do, without the truth.  Today they are an enemy in America’s midst, and their footprints are in every facet of American society, powerful and influential.  If America is going to regain her greatness and power of yesteryear, including her citizen’s outlook and behavior; including the days when one could leave the car keys in the ignition, and the car would still be there when one left.  The enemy in our midst must be dethroned and gotten out of the way.  That is saying that America’s deterioration goes deep into the society also, besides her economy and power.  That deterioration comes out of America’s socialists!

The Constitutional Foundation hopes and wishes ‘Economic Freedom’ all the luck necessary to make your ad’s efforts beneficial and successful.  Following is a couple suggestions that might take your campaign a step further to a more permanent solution.  On education, through the education-socialists control over the public schools, America has attained a deep socialists completion that needs addressing.  Unless Americans learn why Socialism fails and can never work, Socialism lies are a very persuasive scam.

Then it fails me that the Republicans, accused of being the party of ‘unearned’ and ‘undeserving’ wealth, cant turn the attack against their attackers — and for the Republican’s benefit.  It was touched on in the Eagle article.  For instance, when a nation or a society is wealthy, it is prosperous and creates opportunities for others, more money is in circulation.  It always benefits everyone in some manner or another (be it for jobs, charity, or healthcare).  Why hasn’t that message been ‘sold’ to Hispanics and other minorities? Let’s work to make Republicans out of them.

I recall much of the 1930s.  The economy was tight, and money was devalued much worse than today.  Yet America was a much better society than today.  What is the difference?  There was no socialism in the society in the 1930s.  Today socialism has it’s footprint in every facet of American society.  What fixed America after FDR, America’s socialist mentality won’t allow that today.  What will change this problem begins in the public schools.

Socialism can be equated to the Greek Mythology of the sea nymphs of the Isle of Lesbos, where the siren mermaids, whose sweet singing, bewitched the sailors to come, and they ended up on the rocks.  Socialism’s lies are no difference.  They are the sirens of sweet promises of an easy life at other’s expense.  By the time the useful idiots find out they were lied to, they are already economic slaves of a bankrupt society.  Is ‘Economic Freedom’ a powerful enough message to keep America away from the rocks?  If the people knew why Socialism never works, it could make a big difference.

Knowing what went wrong with America was the key to coming up with a solution for what went wrong.  It is an all-inclusive solution, not of issues or bits and parts, to restore America’s greatness and truly fix our Constitutional crisis.  We must work to amend the Constitution.  Let’s make those who’s work is to destroy the Constitution, punishable for treason!

Toby Elster


Re: The Media: Our America Pravda (American Conservative May/June)

The title asked, ‘What are they missing today?’  Allow me to answer — and it covers the past century.  Perhaps the biggest story of all that never saw print was the mass effort from progressives to shove socialism into our society since the turn of the century.

The essay, the captioned, hit a life time smell of the same odor of the Media.  I am not of the journalist’s pursuit, but not a novice of what you covered in your captioned article.  I was aware of FDR’s communizing America and wanted answers for myself.  When the House (un)American Activities Committee started hearings, I figured out the ‘Socialists’ had finally come.  When nothing came from the hearings, but stalling and delays, I began to smell a cover up.

As a World War II pilot, I talked with others who were hauling unknown cargo to Montana, unloading the card, and loading it in Russian planes.  Much later, it was learned that FDR was giving Stalin the materials to build an atomic bomb!  After John Stormer’s book came out, I was sure there was a ‘great cover-up.’  I even named Harry Hopkins (FDR’s right hand man) as America’s greatest spy, later confirmed by the Russians.  Then I spent two decades, unsuccessfully, trying to get a reliable author to write the book of the ‘Great Cover Up’.  Finally, M. Stanton Evans did in ‘Blacklisted by History’, and revealed Truman as another one of America’s bad Presidents.

In 1970, I discovered that America was being Socialized through Her public school system.  The consequences of that is summarized by the ‘greatest media censorship by omission.’  Until 2004, the terms of Socialism were never heard or read about with America.  In four years, the Constitutional Foundation exposed the socialization of America.  To this day, commencing with Woodrow Wilson, not a word of it has ever been printed in America’s media.

Toby Elster

Wichita Eagle – Downtown State Offices

‘State DCF offices may leave downtown’ reads the Wichita Eagle on July 11th.  What gives with our elected and their plans to move state office buildings out of downtown? What are the costs with this idea?  What about the disruption and loss of time?  Nor is a second thought given in respect for the wasted taxpayer dollars of a needless expense.

We elected ‘sweet’ talking public servants who tell us they’ll watch out for the people.  Then their authoritative egotism of ‘me, me, me’ comes through, without a mention or thought of We, the People.

It was the same with USD 259 School Board’s decision to move Southeast High School.  A ready made decision with ‘window dressing’ for the people, and the cost for a new high school out in the country that is twice as expensive as remodeling the school already there.  Increased expense for busing, travel, and wasted time are just of the few wasted costs.  And what is all this for? So the ‘me, me, me’ public servants can have their names on a new high school building??? Ridiculous.

Perhaps what is needed is a ‘Kick Them Out Committee’.  Every elected must file a letter of resignation with this committee.  Then, if their ‘me, me, me’ gets in the way of their promises to We, the People, the Committee holds court, and throws them out of office!

Toby Elster

Attention Veteran Organizations

I served during two of America’s wars, and I’ll be a monkey’s uncle if I am going to stay silent since I know what is happening to America, while so many sit on their butts and do nothing (AKA sleeping on duty).  We must wake up! Our Foundation is crumbling.

Personally, I know the organizations are doing an excellent job of seeing that Veterans receive what they are due.  But this is only half the duty.  Maybe not written, but an implied duty of Veteran organizations is to oversee America’s Internal Security.  The fact that America’s foundation, her Constitution, along with the organizations’ rights to exist, remain safe, and stay on safe, solid ground, is quickly eroding.  We can’t be brainwashed into believing that even these anti-American Socialists’ Representatives in Congress are looking out for our best interests.  They want their wallets padded, and it doesn’t matter at who’s expense.

In 1970, I discovered America was being socialized through her public education system.  Now, 40 years later, I can trace Socialism’s destructive work on America’s foundation and society to how America ended up with a cabal of Communists dictating Communism to Americans to destroy everything that the Veterans fought and died for.  Where are the priorities?  Yes, we must take care of our veterans who fought so valiantly for us, but we must also ensure there is a country here for these veterans, and for those currently serving.  It’s still time to fight! There is a country worth fighting for, and a way of living created by our Founders that must be protected! Let’s focus on the forest, and not just the trees!

Toby Elster

Focus on the forest not the trees!

I’m looking at a stack of letters that have arrived from various organizations over the past few weeks.  Some of these organizations have been sending me these for decades.  Do you realize what is similar with them?  They practically read the same in all this time. Not much changes, other than America has further deteriorated!

Don’t misconstrue the message.  I’m not saying these organizations haven’t been doing good, being a bastion place to keep the backbone of Americanism and resilience to save America.  There is no doubt that those who speak up for what is truthful and right would be further attacked, our first amendment rights nearly, if not all gone, since their attack is on our Constitution, if not for these organizations.  But look where American has gone since Conservatives began an exposure of the misguided issues created by an enemy in America’s midst.  We must look at the larger issue! Constantly hitting and focusing on only one issue neglects the fact that the attacks on our country are coming from many sides and from many enemies.

Commencing about 1950, when our anti-American Communists were being prosecuted, there was also a gradual undermining of America’s foundation, Her Constitution.  Now another five decades longer, We the people still don’t know about it.  Your claims of changing that are rather barren, considering America has Obama, a Communist, and a cabal of them, dictating the destruction of the Constitution as they serve the United Nations’ global aspirations.

All those efforts have been proved that the slow creep for change is not enough for what America needs to reverse what these anti-Americans have and are doing to destroy America.  The Constitutional Foundation needs your help to spread this message far and wide. Protect our Constitution, fight against the traitors who seek to destroy it.  Let’s see the big picture of what is happening to our country, and meet them on the offensive.

Toby Elster